According to Marlene Snyder of Clemson University's Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life and the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, finding out that bullying is hardwired into the brain is an opportunity to "find meaningful interventions". Is she kidding me! This research has dicovered that when people who bully other people, or who are behaving in an antisocial way, do what they do a part of their brain lights up which proves that they are experiencing pleasure out of it.
Not exactly a surprise to those that have been bullied or on the receiving end of the bad behaviour. At some level we all knew it was because this particular maladjusted personality was just getting a rise out of it. About a year ago I posted on a well known forum that bullying was hard wired into the brain, needless to say a couple of people disagreed with me, and if it is true that bullying isn't hard wired into the brain then maybe some of us are just waiting for the bully to 'develop a different mind set'. Hoping that something akin to humanity and integrity will kick in at some point. Dream on baby! Since when have people given up something they enjoy doing until such time as it becomes detrimental to their health, wealth, and well being. You try and get a smoker to give up his cigs or a substance abuser to give up their substance, their comforter, their mothers little helper. It's like trying to push butter up a porcupines arse with a hot needle.
So what interventions then. A cattle prod would be out of the question because the adminstrator is likely to get a rip out of it. Nailing them to a cross would simply make martyrs out of them. Sitting and reasoning with them is going to go a long way towards stopping them isn't it. About as helpful as trying to disuade a teenager from having sex before marriage. What next. Frontal Labotomy. I mean! Come on! how do people get paid good money for this stuff. Don't get it, they are bullies because they want to be. Because they are twisted and cynical and don't share the same values as the rest of us. Get real! Interventions. How about giving them a psych evaluation before you put them into positions of power. Thats your best intervention. Do you think Bernard Madoff is begging forgiveness for his sins. Not likely, apart from maybe lamenting a few years in jail, if it gets that far, after all he is 70. They will probably just give him a good talking to and send him home to die in opulence. Don't imagine him crying for the victims of those gullible people who trusted him. If this research it to believe his is probably getting his biggest hard on for years just imagining the pitiful look on their bewildered features. This kind of sociopathic narcissist understands nothing of other peoples pain and suffering. That your best intervention. To my way of thinking there is little hope for change. The only way of stopping a bully is to avoid them like the plague,
Conspiracy theory about little ol' me
Yesterday I was contacted through Facebook by my friend, Sister Renee. She
wanted me to know that some concerned citizen out there thinks I've been
5 years ago