Of course it is not clear what kind of meeting Carl Baybut attended. Whether it was a one to one meeting with his upline or a general meeting held by the Uni to advise lecturers on proposed changes, the fact that Carl took his life within days of the meeting does indeed speak volumes. Something scared him to death (no apologies for the pun)
If you don't beleive that it is going on in educational establishments read this article in the Daily Echo.
It's high time something was done about this. One life lost is one too many, not to mention all of the lives ruined by haphazard and disorganised management of our educational establishments. Believe me I have a lot of experience and I see it everywhere I go. The world of education is falling apart. There are two threats that the teacher has to defend themselves against. One is the threat of government. You can bet your bottom dollar that when governments start to tell educational establishments what they can and can't teach in terms of political content that scape goats will be made. It is happening now in as we speak. Lecturers are being villified and bullied out of posts because they try to appraise their students of the state of political machinations world wide. some have been labelled as terrorsits or insurgents. The other is when the group mentality within the particular organisation they work is so far up itself it will broker no deviation from the norm. So everyone sits around nodding their heads like those little dogs that appear on the luggage shelf in the backwindow of a car and anyone who dares step out of the norm and state obvious flaws in the systems gets squeezed out.
Conspiracy theory about little ol' me
Yesterday I was contacted through Facebook by my friend, Sister Renee. She
wanted me to know that some concerned citizen out there thinks I've been
5 years ago
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