I just had to post this one because I don't think I have heard anything more ridiculous since the concoction of mistruths lies and betrayal levied towards me and mine by those who sought to wreak havoc with our lives. Something which gladly, or sadly depending on who's side you are on did not happen. In fact we are alive and doing extremely well with more work than we know what to do with. This suits us both because it is the way that it has already been with us. We thrive on work and it is so nice to find like minded people in our sector who respect and appreciate us and are more than happy to syphon a shed load of it our way.
Any way the story.
Well here is some guy (Michael Mancini) who gets caught in a traffic jam. You know what it's like in those cases. Sometimes it gets so boring you begin to wonder what to do with yourself. Should you find something on a different radio station, put a cd in? Maybe get a butty out of the box? In Michael's case he decided to blow his nose, and what did he get for his troubles. Yes you have guessed 3 points and a £60 fine. Now before you get to thinking that he was free wheeling down a hill balancing the steering wheel between his knees whilst honking into his hanky you would be mistaken. Oh no! his vehicle was stationary with the handbrake on. However according to Strathclyde police this meant that he was out of control of his vehicle.
Michael himself thought the whole thing was a wind up at first. But when he told them he was not going to pay the fine he was told pay up or go to court. According to Mr Mancini he is willing to take it all the way, and good for him I say. Have you ever heard anything more ridiculous in your life. I hope it gets to court and gets laughed out of court. I hope the police officers (who clearly do not have enough to do and are worried about hitting their targets) are made the laughing stock of the force. I hope that common sense prevails and this gets squashed. Hope, but with my fingers crossed because this is just one more example of the rampant stupidity and bullying suffered by the decent citizens of this country.
It seems to me some stern words need to be said in Strathclyde cop shop along with timely reminders that if some coppers need a nanny running after them wiping their snotty noses perhaps they would be better suited to working in the world of the primary school teacher, they could make lots of playground friends and influence people with the threat 'I'm gonna tell on you...... GROW UP! GET A LIFE!
Conspiracy theory about little ol' me
Yesterday I was contacted through Facebook by my friend, Sister Renee. She
wanted me to know that some concerned citizen out there thinks I've been
5 years ago